OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00370
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jerry Ellenberger (541) 676-5497
Contact Date: 07/16/2012
Contacted By: WORD, AMY (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: follow up to inquiry re: Black Mtn Water Dist. DETAILS: I spoke with Jerry regarding the phone conversation with Mark. It turns out the system had been chlorinating (at levels under 4 ppm) for 26 months. The "batch" chlorination was done right before the monthly bacteria samples were collected. I explained that this was not the proper procedure. This could be masking a problem with the water. If there was a problem, we would not know it because of the chlorinated sample. If there was a problem, then the consumers would not be protected and could potentially be drinking bad water for weeks until the next chlorination as the chlorine would only be in the system for a few days. If the system was interested in continuous chlorination, then they would need to consider adding this treatment on (hypochlorination for example). I asked about chlorine residuals throughout the distribution and he said there was not much of any most of the time. **report amended at this point - Residual was calculated to be 3.2ppm - however, the system said there were no readings that high.** System asked for a write-up from the conversation earlier with Mark Lovgren. ACTION NEEDED: System to suspend practice of chlorinating before the monthly bacteria sampling. If results start coming back positive for bacteria, then we would talk about treating the water. If the system wishes to add continuous chlorination, then a plan review prior to adding any treatment would be required. A letter will be sent to the system (7/17/12) outlining treatment procedures.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2357
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