OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92787
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Merle Jewett (209) 404-3976
Contact Date: 09/04/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Questions on monthly surface water reports submitted DETAILS: Through a phone message, Josh Weathers of the USFS said I could contact Merle Jewett directly with my questions on the monthly reports he submitted. (Merle is with American Land and Leisure, who runs this water system as a concessionaire for this USFS district.) I had asked why the PSID for changing the filter was listed as a different number on each months form. Merle said he had sent a message asking the manufacturer for that, but had not received a response. He gave me the model # of the filters they have been using (Strainrite HPM99-CC-2-SR). I looked it up- the manufacturer recommends changing these out (both the pre and final filters) when the PSID across both is 25. When I questioned the reported pH of 5.0 for much of June, Merle said he writes down what someone else calls out while looking at color strips. (CFR says only electrometric pH meters can be used to check daily pH for water systems.) Also, a pH outside of the range of 6.5-8.5 does not meet drinking water goals for secondary contaminants (OAR 333-061-0030 (6).) Merle says he often has to change the filters more often as the season wears on- more debris is in the incoming creek water. By this time of year, its once a week. Other info: On the flowmeter, Merle has observed a peak flow of around 3.9-4.7 gpm during busy use time. Hence he uses a peak flow of "10 gpm" on the CT form to be conservative. The distribution system has 5 spigots serving 30 campsites. They also have a 3-inch drain line to drain the distribution system, such as when winterizing. ACTION NEEDED: Follow up with Josh Weathers on the type of pH meter used, procedure to follow for when CT is not met on a given day, how to make their Strainrite filters last longer by using another inexpensive pre-filter, and their upcoming tracer study.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3171
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