OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06118
Who Was Contacted and Phone: David Jacob (503) 310-9262
Contact Date: 09/20/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Priority non-complier investigation (PNC) DETAILS: The system currently has a score of 14. Back in late April 2012, David Jacob was hired by the system operator to help operate Col Hills HOA. When David was hired he call me to find out what was needed to as far as sampling. I let him know that the system was way being on lead & copper sampling. Violations # 604, 605 & 900000740 can be RTCd as David sampled for L & C between 5-5 & 5-8, 2012. The system has had a number of source sample violations. David pulled the source sample from all active wells when the coliform detection occurred. For all of the other source violations, I will request an RTC. The MCL will likely be able to RTC soon as the system has installed chlorination at the EP. James Nusrala, PE has been working on the plan review with the systems hired David. David told me that the new chlorine pump was installed & operating the day after the August 7th coliform detections. I told him that they will need source samples at all operating sources. He indicated at the time all three were operating and he would collect samples at all three sources. However, I have not seen the results for these yet. ACTION NEEDED: RTC- violations & MCL when the next round of chlorinated samples are reported. The system

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4836
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