OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93461
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Eric Powell (503) 543-5894
Contact Date: 07/29/2012
Contacted By: ERBELE, HANK (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Water system and Optimize Assistance DETAILS: The water system’s staff requested HBH’s assistance due to recent changes in operations staffing. Through daily water process activities are shared by a team of 5 individuals, a long time “Team Leader”, dealing with the water system’s management, has left. The staff wanted a review to assure all procedures, sampling, recordkeeping, etc. are meeting drinking water treatment requirements. System is a place to focus on “healthy living”, and it is understood that any water issues could mar that reputation. 1. Made initial contact with client to discuss overall water system, arrange tour, and review DWP on-line historical data. 2. HBH met with Lead Operator Eric Powell for a facility tour and discussed operational procedures. 3. HBH created a “Water System Review Summary. ACTION NEEDED: As noted in the “Water System Review” there is a need for follow up on the following items. Identify and train an “Assistant Leader”, develop an “in House Training Program”, plan a seasonal/demand reservoir management strategy, budget and procure residual and turbidly on-line instrumentation, develop disinfection byproducts and lead and copper plan, and a cross connection ordinance.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3179
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