OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90183
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Brian Coulter (541) 594-3038
Contact Date: 09/27/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Routine review of monthly operating reports submitted for 2012 season` DETAILS: This summer, all drinking water tech staff are reviewing the monthly reports submitted from their surface water systems. This PWS has a very short season, operating from July 15 - late September each year. Their July report looked good, except I did not know where they obtained the "264" minutes entered as a constant for contact time. It does not appear that they ran a tracer study for that figure. The file I inherited on this system from Klamath County Public Health had some past notes on CT estimates, but none of them matched this figure. Brian says this number was derived by the engineer that submitted their recent Plan Review materials. They recently replaced the storage tank & the main water line. There was no record of that project in the system file folder. ACTION NEEDED: Await documentation of the "264" figure for contact time from Brian. However, he says the project as constructed actually has more contact minutes than that, because the pipe from the tank to first user had to bypass a sensitive site, so it is longer than the engineer planned. Also, I will request the recent plan review material to add to the system file. Then establish (for future CT calculation and monthly reports) the figure that should be used which reflects the recent upgrades as completed. Also, send Brian the link to the new DWP webpage for seasonal water system shutdown procedures.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3122
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