OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93997
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Scott Keiffer (541) 281-3447
Contact Date: 10/11/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Confirmed proper PWS actions following main line break DETAILS: Scott called to let me know there had been several problems at their water system. First, the water pump went out on their primary source, Well 1. So they ran off of Well 4. Then, workmen trenching broke into their line from the reservoir down to the campus, so they had to valve that off, and switch to their emergency source, the Intertie to the Klamath Citys water system. There was no loss of pressure in the distribution system at any time (water runs from reservoir downhill by gravity, then goes through a PRV at the bottom, before entering the distribution). At this point, they are still running on the City water. Scott is shock chlorinating Well 1 after the pump was replaced, and he will purge that chlorinated water via a hydrant/blow off outside the pump house. He will also disinfect the repaired line from the reservoir, and purge that chlorinated water at the PRV valve. So the distribution system pressure will still not be affected. I directed Scott to the states BMP for Main Line Breaks, which says that he needs to monitor the CL residual levels in the areas downstream of the line break to determine consistency. He will take a "special" sample to provide a record of repair procedure effectiveness. He may then restore the water system service from the reservoir to the campus (& shut off City connection). If this special sample is positive, he will need to take repeats to confirm, and take corrective action if needed. ACTION NEEDED: Await results of post-repair coliform samples.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3107
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