OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93711
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Jennison (541) 757-5877
Contact Date: 09/24/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Nitrate confirmation sample 10.8 DETAILS: The average of the original quarterly sample taken 9/14/12 and the confirmation sample taken 9/18/12 is 11.1 ppm which is an MCL violation. We meet with Corvallis School district operators on 9/24/12 to discuss the situation. Public notice was posted and sent to parents on 9/21/12. The system is providing bottled water for drinking. It was confirmed that all drinking fountains have been removed for some time due to lead issues. The system is due to be sold to the Corvallis Waldorf School on 6/30/12. We discussed having an action plan in place in the next 90 days. The first step will be to contact the HBH circuit rider program. The plan is to have remediation in place within the next sic months. The system has a RO unit that was removed from another school that could be used to premeditate high levels of nitrate. We discussed several remediation options. Drill a new well for mixing or drill anew well into a deeper aquifer if one exists. Trucking in water for mixing or purging the system of water and trucking in water from another source free of nitrates. Installing the RO system that is in storage. They would need to be done as not to interfere with orthophosphate injection and may necessitate the need for Ph adjustment with caustic soda. The RO option seems like the most likely solution. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for contact with HBH to occur. Monitor continued quarterly sampling results. Still working to achieve to six months samples rounds of lead and copper below the action level. Complete compliance letter and send to Betsy Perry for review.
Associated Alerts: CHEM5528 - 09/20/2012 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1417
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