OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94811
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jeff Steyaert (541) 928-6491
Contact Date: 10/25/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up to 7.24 nitrate alert DETAILS: Contacted Jeff about nitrate level. The system has never had a detection for nitrate always been ND. I explained that it was unusual to go from ND to 7.24. Jeff said in the past he has taken the samples at the well head but this time he took it at the womens restroom sink. I asked if they had any spills or problems recently and he said not that he was aware of. I checked with our septic people in our office and we have no records of a septic system out there. Our office was under the impression that they were connected to city sewer. I informed him we have no record of a septic system out there and told him it would be highly recommended to hook up to the city sewer. The system could be failing which could cause the high nitrate level. I told him they now have to test for nitrate quarterly. I sent him the rule requiring the quarterly sampling in an email. ACTION NEEDED: Wait to find out more info on the septic.
Associated Alerts: CHEM5576 - 10/24/2012 - NITRATE

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