OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05724
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mike Johnson (541) 219-1762
Contact Date: 01/14/2013
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: follow up to TCR violation last month, plus adjustment of population number DETAILS: I phoned Mike Johnson to check on the status of their system after they shock chlorinated it last month. He said that after they could no longer smell chlorine in the system, they took two coliform samples and they were negative. Since these samples were marked "special," the results were not reported to the state database. Mike is going to fax the results directly to me for the file. I also reminded Mike to take the 5 temporary routine samples this month. He says they should be taken this Thursday. Also, last month we had discussed the population number that was in our database for this system - 5. That number made it sound too small to be regulated as a public water system in Oregon. Mike says that during the summer, 6 more trailer spots are occupied, and they have more than 10 people for more than 60 days per year (or something very, very close). According to our updated internal rules for counting population, the population for a system in this situation should be entered as 10 (no matter how it averages out over 365 days of the year). Mike agreed that he would prefer that the Adel Maintenance Station continue to be a public water system, because the numbers of people will ebb and flow, and it is better to leave it this way than keep changing it back and forth from a regulated to a non-regulated system. ACTION NEEDED: Receive fax of "special" coliform samples last month and add them to the file. Change population to 10 for this water system in the state database. Await results of temporary routine specials this month.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2481
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