OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00388
Who Was Contacted and Phone: David Stolhand (541) 490-7644
Contact Date: 01/14/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Boil water advisory DETAILS: David contact our office on 1/11/13 with questions regarding lifting their boil water advisory. After consulting with the DWP, we gave the following:(1) Phase One: Source water samples would have to demonstrate that, while free of a chlorine residual, the water was free of e-coli bacteria. An ‘Assessment Source Water Sample’ would accomplish this. This could only happen after construction is completed.(2) Phase Two: Distribution samples would have to be both free of chlorine residual and coliform bacteria (including e-coli). Five ‘Temporary Routine’ water samples would accomplish this. ACTION NEEDED: we first recommended that David thoroughly disinfect the interior of the spring box-- no chlorination had been done prior to sealing the structure with concrete. We recommended that David dose the spring with at least 50 ppm of chlorine residual. We also recommended that he turn-off flow to distribution while this is performed.Following the disinfection of the spring box, we recommended that David dose the distribution system with between 1 – 4 ppm of chlorine residual for at least a week to ensure that in addition to the e-coli bacteria we know are in the system, that organisms like giardia and crypto are also eliminated (as best we can without filtration). We also recommended that he flush the system. As well, we instructed the operator to inform users prior to dosing the system with chlorine.After maintaining a chlorine residual for approximately a week, we instructed David to ensure that the chlorine residual dissipates entirely prior to water test samples for microbiological contaminates. We also offered to lend David a chlorine test kit during this process.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3327
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