OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00388
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Stoner Bell (509) 493-3886
Contact Date: 02/14/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Status update on spring improvements DETAILS: I contacted Stoner Bell, design engineer for spring improvements, to get an update on the project at Oak Grove. He indicated that given varying site conditions encountered, that external water is still flowing into the spring box, and it is desired to preclude that water from being captured. The 12-inch pipe from upper spring area is not watertight and that the contractor will try and seal this external water from entering the spring box. Additionally, the contractor is trying to seal the new concrete pour over the spring box to existing rock in the north corner of the spring box to preclude any water entering at that location. We discussed that DWS will review project upon completion to ensure that construction standards and conditions in 11/6/12 conditional approval are met, and final as-builts are submitted, prior to issuing final approval. Discussed the ability to shock chlorinate the spring box and possible locations for a raw sample tap. ACTION NEEDED: DWS to continue to serve in a plan review capacity for spring improvements and provide support to Hood River County Env. Health (regulating agency for water system).

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3327
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