OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95127
Who Was Contacted: Mark Haglund
Contact Phone: (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 12/30/2020
Contact Method/Location: Email
Reasons: Coliform
Details: The water system operator has decided to post a boil water advisory until test results for a sepcial sample collected in the distribution lines can confirm absence of E. Coli contamination.

Water from the well is first treated with a Viqua Pro 24-186 UV reactor for disinfection. The operator reported that their UV reactor has been working properly. A boil water advisory is not a requirement if the system was meeting 4.0 log inactivation at the time they were confirmed and a few days before. Likeways, there is currently no requirement to post a boil water notice if their UV was working property and was applying at least 186 mj/cm2. This information was shared with the operator.

A copy of the boil water advisory posted at Salmon Run Golf Course was emailed to DWS. The advisory will be removed once test results confirm absense of contamination with E. Coli in the distribution lines.

Associated Alerts: COLI20700 - 12/28/2020 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI  See also: 12/29/2020

COLI20677 - 12/21/2020 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI  See also: 12/21/2020, 12/29/2020

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4655
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