OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93457
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Derek Hanna (503) 272-0256
Contact Date: 03/05/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: PNC resolution DETAILS: System was a PNC with a score of 13. System had a total coliform along with a repeat violation for no reporting and source nonreporting violations. The system also had a couple of public notice violations. System serves a licensed restaurant. The system let me know they disinfected the well and distribution system after the coliform MCL. This office sent a copy of the public notice to the system at the time of the MCL. Karen Leben from our office stopped by the facility to remind them to take the follow up samples. She followed up with system after the 3rd quarter coliform detection. The system was actually not operating during the coliform detection in September. The facility is closed at this point as there is no snow on the ski slope and the manager was on vacation. The facility operates very intermittently as determined by the weather conditions. I emailed the state on 2/26/13 to Return to compliance all the systems violations. The system now back in compliance with a score of 0 ACTION NEEDED: Continue to monitor and respond if necessary

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1325
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