OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00388
Who Was Contacted and Phone: David Stohland (503) 490-7644
Contact Date: 04/09/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: GWR
Details: SUMMARY: Summary of post construction spring field visit DETAILS: Conducted a post construction site visit of Oak Groves spring repair work with David, Ian Stromquist - County, and Stoner Bell - system consultant. Mr. Bell summarized some of the most recent work at spring including shoring up the stem wall to divert surface trench water out of the upper spring box, the addition of bentonite in areas where soil or rock were placed around the upper spring box, and the use of 100 mL liner to keep overland surface water out. David described process used in late March to chlorinate spring box, including soaking the box with a diluted liquid bleach and introduing a chlorine solution into the distribution at the spring outlet to the system. DWS and County both verified a zero chlorine residual at the spring overflow outlet and at the overflow from the large storage reservoir to ensure that the effects of the shocking have subsided in preparation for collection of coliform samples at spring and in system. ACTION NEEDED: System to provide as-builts of spring repair mods from earlier submitted plans to DWS and address all conditions in 11/6/12 DWS conditional approval. System will need to collect coliform samples at the spring and at represenative locations in the distribution to document that spring repair work was successful and to document distribution is free of contamination in order to lift boil water notice. System was instructed to ensure a 0 ppm chlorine residual with samples by using test kit to measure residual upon sampling. Further actions dependent on results and on plan submission. DWS to offer support to county and system in resolving boil notice and to finalize plan review.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3327
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