OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00388
Who Was Contacted and Phone: David Stolhand (541) 490-7644
Contact Date: 04/12/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Total Coliform Positive (MCL) DETAILS: 4/12/13, David Stolhand contacted our office to report that 3 of 5 microbiological water samples collected from the system were positive for total coliforms. Locations included: (1) ‘Spring Source’, (2) ‘4680 Portland Dr bth snk’ and (3) ‘2451 Kingsley Rd bth snk’.There is no need for‘repeat’ sampling. The operator 1. Your ystem should make sure that all facilities have had a thorough flush through system, -- you may resample at the source and in system. If you continue to get positives from the overflow pipe, you may get a better raw tap closer to the spring which would not be impacted by the overflow pipe and be more representative of the source.3. After flushing and re-sampling if you get TC+s again, you may consider shocking again. Spraying and/or brushing at least a 200 mg/L solution on spring walls per our standards is recommended, then flushing throughout, and warning users of highly chlorinated water in the distribution.4. If you continue to have TC+s, then, we need to discuss chlorination for residual maintenance. . See OAR 333-061-0050 (5)(b), p. 289 of rules (emphasize the importance of getting ‘as-built’ plans to the Drinking Water Program).Let me know if you have any questions or wish some technical assistance.It appears that the system has either not been fully sanitized or has not been repaired with an acceptable sanitary seal. At present, complete ‘as-built’ plans have not been forwarded to the State Drinking Water Program Hood River County Health Department advised the operator to keep the boil water advisory in effect for the time being.On 4/15/13, we also sent the operator e-mail: See file. ACTION NEEDED: submit all requested materials to the State Drinking Water program. then collect a new round of tests to verify that the system is free of microbiological contaminates.
Associated Alerts: COLI11599 - 04/12/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI11599 - 04/12/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI11599 - 04/12/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3327
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