OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92038
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Bruce Padgett
Contact Date: 09/21/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Inspection of water system during licensed facility inspection. DETAILS: Inspected water system in conjunction with unannounced RV park inspection Friday afternoon at 1500. However, this connection could possibly happen with plumbing available at site (there was a white pvc pipe inserted under dam that was capped off at time of inspection). Reason given for impoundment was to see how much water is being missed by current infiltration gallery. Area underground where infiltration gallery is located has been "dug out" with hole of around 2 feet left in ground. On compliance monitoring form for month of September, there was day of over 8000 gallons being used and was told this was an error on the recorders part. Noted that 2050 gallons was highest usage on 09/02/2012, disregarding the day before and day of over, 8000 gallons were used (was told RV park had hot water tank fail which could have resulted in high usage measurements, although earlier it was noted it was a mistake). There were several days of missing information on monitoring form for month of September. Karen/Bruce said they were told to only measure chlorine residual 2 times per week by DWP Daniel Hough and then were told to measure it every day on Wednesday 09/19/2012 by DWP Daniel Hough. Told operators that chlorine residual has to be measured daily at entry point to comply with compliance monitoring and measured 2 times per week in distribution system, county REHS will confer with DWP on this matter. Water was measured at 1.6 mg/L in distribution system during inspection. In addition, told them that usage needs to be measured daily as specified in letter sent in early summer. ACTION NEEDED: Contact DWP and send system Water Resources Department information.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1131
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