OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05895
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mark Sterner
Contact Date: 08/02/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: TC+ at well. DETAILS: Following the July 19th TC+ at the hose valve Mark drained and chlorinated the holding tanks. He said the chlorinator failed around the same time as the TC+, he said he notified the residents and advised them to boil water and drink bottled water. After he shocked the system (excluding the well) he let the chlorine level stabilize to 0.5ppm and then sent in his repeats for the positive on July 19th. All the samples came back clean except the source sample. He stated that they are aware the well has coliform bacteria and that he doesnt want to chlorinate the well. I told him I reccomended that he chlorinate the well, and went over the procedure for doing that. I also emailed him the OHA guidance documents on this. I explained to him that shocking the well might kill the coliform bacteria in the well, and that much more serious restrictions would be placed on the system if E-Coli was confirmed in the source. He sounded very hesitant to chlorinate the well, even after I strongly reccomended it. ACTION NEEDED: This was a non alert on the system.
Associated Alerts: COLI11902 - 08/02/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 604
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