OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92040
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Landon Lightle (541) 875-2942
Contact Date: 09/03/2013
Contacted By: HOUGH, DANIEL (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: 90th percentile lead action level exceedance for 19 samples collected on 08/06 DETAILS: 19 lead and copper samples were collected on 08/06/13. These samples represented all taps in the facility available for consumption. Sampling was conducted in accordance with plumbing replacement program protocol (after taps that exceeded in sampling conducted on 02/26/13 were replaced). The corrosion control system was turned off several weeks prior to sampling and remains off. pH at the source and in the distribution is consistent at 6.9. The fixtures exceeding the action level in the most current round of sampling were: the north and south sinks in room 5, the main lobby drinking fountain, the high school boys bathroom and one of the girls locker room sinks. The exceeding girls locker room and high school boys bathroom fixtures will be replaced while the room five sinks and main lobby fountain will remain off as galvanized pipe upstream of them (which is thought to be the problem) is replaced. The galvanized pipe replacement project is currently out for bid and anticipated to be completed within one month. ACTION NEEDED: Upon completing the additional plumbing replacement described above, all fixtures exceeding the lead action level in the previous round of sampling will be sampled again. Additional plumbing replacement will follow if necessary until there are no lead action level exceedances. The corrosion control system will remain off to verify that lead action level exceedances do not occur in the worst case scenario of no corrsion control. Public education materials will be issued by 02/28/14 (within 60 days of the end of the current monitoring period).
Associated Alerts: CHEM5918 - 09/03/2013 - LEAD SUMMARY

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1133
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