OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92133
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jessica Lloyd-Rogers (541) 271-0219
Contact Date: 10/15/2013
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Recent coliform results & concerns with well source water quality DETAILS: Much discussion w/DWS staff, Douglas Co, and Jessica since results of repeat coliform samples (Oct 9th). 1) Was the EC detected at greenhouse actually part of the drinking water system, or is it served directly from the well (pre-disinfection)? Shelley Stewart of Douglas Co had the system run an test: they increased the chlorine level at the storage tank & let it sit for 15 minutes, then opened the spigot at the greenhouse and let that flush for 15 minutes. No residual was detected. This action was repeated 3X - never a residual. Today, off-site owner stated he is pretty sure this line runs directly from the well. The CL test confirms this. 2) A Tier 2 notice is already posted (unresolved TC). They are delaying shock chlorination till after new equipment is installed this week (better filter, new PT). 3) There are significant concerns about the water quality in this well - the ground level at the top of the annular seal (not the top of the casing) floods every winter, and the seal is inadequate. Plus, it could be GWUDI. PWS recently started monthly source sampling for this reason. Due to items 2 & 3 above, as an interim measure, they are maintaining a min CL residual of 0.4-0.5 and checking it 3X daily. CT calcuation shows they have ample contact time (not much demand), so that residual should be more than enough to inactivate fecal viruses and protect the public until bigger issues are resolved. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Change greenhouse EC result in SDWIS- not from distribution. 2. Once repairs done, do a site visit w/ DWS regional hydrogeologist Shawn Stevenson and Caroline Gross-Regan from Douglas Co. Check well, current treatment, and counsel Jessica on both the appropriate short-term (i.e., before seasonal closing) and long-term measures to assure adequacy of this public drinking water system.
Associated Alerts: COLI12270 - 10/10/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI12270 - 10/10/2013 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4645
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