OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 90413
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Peter Adamson (503) 739-15
Contact Date: 09/12/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Violation of second quarter 2013 routine TC sample DETAILS: 9/12/2013 Conversation with Mr. Adamson regarding status of drinking water system issues that need to be addressed:- System is currently down and not in operation with no electricity on at pump house or storage building. The restaurant is currently closed, the mobile coffee unit is bringing in potable water, the 2 houses on the system are vacant( have been for 6 years) and the camping trailers are seasonal with owners responsible for own water at this time. Operator is doing minor repairs including the outside pump house distribution lines with plan to bury in ground to eliminate issues of freezing that has occurred in the past.- Discussed remaining plan review component addressing control of the land within 100 of the well. Operator states he has deed to well, owns some of land around it, the road to north is designated a public road, land to west is Donald and Helen Falleur. Mr. Adamson questioned what would happen if Faulleurs do not agree to restrictive easement rights given the system was operated by previous owner for years without this legality being cleared up. ACTION NEEDED: -Operator will get quarterly routine TC sample when system is back up, running and has been cleaned out. System may not be able to take 3rd quarter sample by end of September.-Submitted updated Water System Information to DMCE on be half of operator with change in mailing address.- I will resend operator letters from DWP Evan Holfeld with map of 50 and 100 radius around well head, inaddition to a Construction Waiver for request of a 50 radius to be considered.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2528
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