OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92704
Who Was Contacted: Eric Grim
Contact Phone: 541-659-5361 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 01/25/2021
Contact Method/Location: Email
Survey: 09/23/2020
Reasons: Operations
Details: 01.25.21 - Received an email from Mr. Grim reporting the corrective actions taken to resolve all significant dificiencies noted during the water system survey done on 09.23.20.

1. The drain from the wellhead vault was present but had become clogged. The drain was repaired and daylighted with a backflow check installed to limit water intrusion during highwater events. A photo was provided and saved in electronic folder. Task completed November 2020.

2. The pull rope that was attached to the submersible pump and exited the well casing has been removed. This was completed by pulling the down pipe and pump and completely eliminating the pull rope and resealing the well seal. Task completed January 2021.

Other corrective actions taken:

- Raw water and treated water was tested in October 2020 to determine base levels and post treatment levels.

- A contract is in the process of being issued to replace the green sand filter media.

- Switch SV-3 has been repaired and is now fully operational.

- Pressure gauges at the inflow and outflow of the filter tank were found to have connecting tubes partially clogged and were cleaned.

- The system has been returned to automatic operation. The visual appearance of the water has improved dramatically.

- A tank cleaning contract will be issued soon to clean the storage water tank.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1241
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