OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00359
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Jans (503) 695-2284
Contact Date: 01/09/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Limited boil order - loss of pressure - main shutdown DETAILS: Jim notified me on 1/9/14 that a limited boil order is in effect beginning at 9 am on 1/13/14 for about 65 homes in the area of Mershon Rd and Reservoir #2 due to a loss in positive pressure for a main shut down for repair. The 4 inch pipe had leaked in the past 6 months, and because there is no gate valve on the tee inlet to the reservoir, the District is tapping a 6 inch main near the reservoir and installing a new 4 inch gate valve. The District is followind DWS BMPs for cutting into & repairing mains and loss in pressure situations - post door hangers/call affected users ahead of time, make repair, restore pressure and flush, sanitize area, restore chlorine residuals, and take special coliform samples to share with DWS upon lifting the notice - hopefully by 1/15/14. Remainder of system is meeting minimum 20 psi - so no notification necessary out side affected area. ACTION NEEDED: District to share results of coliform samples and chlorine residual readings with DWS prior to lifting boil water notice. DWS to continue to support District in achieving additional distribution system redundancy and flexibility to continually maintain minimum 20 psi in the future.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3960
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