OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91681
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Pam Peck
Contact Date: 03/17/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up to Lead alert 0.022 9/13 DETAILS: Public Education materials were sent out to all users in November 2013. Plumbing replacement of the two high sites was done on 1/8/14. The one site that was high was re-checked on 2/26/14 and the Lead was 0.158 and Copper 2.68. Pam sent me an email the day she sent in the samples saying she was concerned because the water was orangish in color. The kids have not been using the sink for drinking but using it for teeth brushing, hand washing and washing paint brushes. I asked her to verify what work was done when the plumbing was replaced and she could not get a response from the plumber. She had someone from the maintenance dept. go out and look at the work that was done and they said "new fixtures/turnoff valves were installed with compression fittings and plastic tubing to the sinks, but we have copper pipes from the basement up to the sink valves and galvanized pipes from the well underground to the basement." I discussed how the sample was drawn with Pam and found it to be okay. I requested HBHs assistance with this. Pam thinks shes the one who took the previous samples in 2007 and 2010. Both of those rounds had almost no detections at all. 2007 ND and 2010 copper0.135. I asked Pam if she thinks maybe she flushed the lines before taking those and she couldnt really remember but thought she may have...not fully understood the correct sampling procedure. The kids are no longer using the sink for brushing teeth. Pam updated the PE brochure and is sending it out to parents again. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for HBH to get back to me.
Associated Alerts: CHEM6238 - 03/21/2014 - COPPER SUMMARY , LEAD SUMMARY


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