OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92040
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Landon Lightle (541) 771-5860
Contact Date: 03/24/2014
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Response to latest lead and copper results DETAILS: Landon called because of the disappointing latest results - lead tested higher, and now copper is also above the AL. We reviewed the recent plumbing replacement work (finished a month before this sampling). He feels the redundant plumbing under this old school is to blame, so that when a pipe freezes or disruption takes place, water may flow out of the unused pipes in a different direction than normal, producing these high results. The lead and copper issues are hence a moving target. This winter during a hard freeze, the water became colored, and he closed school for 2 days, flushing 8000 gal through the system before reopening. We decided to institute a morning flushing program- 10-15 minutes for any fixture from which water will be consumed, not merely used for washing. After consulting with Rob Henry of HBH (did a corrosion control eval last year), I also suggested that Landon turn the calcite contactor back on for the time being. HBHs previous suggestion of caustic soda treatment was not attractive to the school both because of initial cost (e.g., for the safety equipment) and because of its caustic nature around school children. Rob Henry will revisit the evaluation to see if soda ash could also work with their water quality (if not as well as caustic), but they should look at the cost-benefit trade-offs: the initial set-up costs versus ongoing maintenance and material costs of each treatment method. ACTION NEEDED: Plumbing replacement is not working. HBH will re-consult re: the schools corrosion control options. May need to install a filter to capture the extra iron after chlorinating. Sent Landon Health Effects bulletins for lead and copper. At some point, the Public Education information for lead must be re-issued (required every 12 months).
Associated Alerts: CHEM6240 - 03/24/2014 - COPPER SUMMARY , LEAD SUMMARY


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