OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92809
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Karl Dietzler
Contact Date: 04/18/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: E Coli Update at Hand pump DETAILS: Karl Dietzler called me today. They did an investigation on site and decided in fill in the dry well drain and the gray water drain that are located on the property. Karl thought people might have been washing dishes and pouring dirty water down the dry well drain which is located at the well head. The park is not open yet. I told Karl to summarize what we discussed on the phone in an e-mail: Karl sent this-"We essentially filled the drain at the pump with concrete, so it is capped. If folks wash dishes at the pump, the gray-water will not infiltrate. The concrete pad also is in good condition, with no cracks or failures to allow water infiltration. Additionally, we completely removed the closest gray-water sump (65’ away) (basically a dry-well), so there is no evidence of it for the public to use this season. In a meeting with our new Area Managers yesterday, we emphasized for them to get the word to the public to be careful with gray-water disposal, and to not wash dishes at the pumps" I have sent Karl the rules regarding decommissioning of underground injections systems, it is requested they provide us documentation that they have met these decommissioning requirements and have it certified by a registered geologist or engineer. Karl is to not allow water use at the campground until tests have confirmed water is free from coliform and we have received a decommissioning report. ACTION NEEDED: none

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