OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00625
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kevin Caldwell (541) 535-2226
Contact Date: 06/27/2014
Contacted By: BURNS, LAURA C (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: City of Phoenix experienced a loss of pressure to 25 to 50 customers. DETAILS: Kevin Caldwell reported the following: "On the evening of 6/25 we were scheduled to begin the installation of a new water main in town. We isolated a small section of water main in preparation for the construction at 8:30pm. Soon we realized that we had mistakenly shut-down a key loop in our system. There were approximately 25-50 customers without water service. Forty-five mintues passed before we were able to restore service simply by opening the valves that we had closed, we also cancelled the construction work. The morning of 6/26 we took a special water sample from the affected part of town and delivered it to Neilson labs in Medford. After looking at the BMPs online I learned that we should have flushed the system before taking the sample. We are currently flushing the system.". I told Kevin that he would need to issue a Public Notice. They got the report back from the lab and it was negative. I contacted Tony Fields and he approved issuing a PN informimg the affected customers of the loss of pressure. A boil water would not be required. The city of Phoenix has printed the BMP, will educate staff and follow the BMPs for future construction, repair and loss of pressure events. The city Faxed a copy of the Public Notice. ACTION NEEDED: None.

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