OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91062
Who Was Contacted and Phone: CLARKE RALLS (503) 873-8681 ext. 33
Contact Date: 12/20/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: PNC score of 12 DETAILS: email sent 12/20/12I was reviewing the Silver Falls State Park and looks like a few steps with the water system has fallen through the cracks. Back in September you took repeat samples for the positive routine in Aug, one of the samples was also positive at cmpgrnd 4. One was marked repeat from the and that should have been marked "Triggered". If you write a note to DWP.DMCE@state.or.us explaining it was miss marked they will count that as one of the two required source water samples. With that being said, now you are missing a triggered sample from the steel tank well and you will be in violation until that sample is taken. Also because the Sept sample was positive you were required to post a second Public Notice. You posted one in September for not taking enough samples in a timely manner but this one is because you exceeded the Max. contamination limit with the repeat being positive for Total Coliform. I have attached the appropriate Public Notice and if you submit it to me I will put a copy in your file and forward it tot he State Drinking Water Program so to be in compliance we need the water system to:1) take a triggered sample from steel tank well2) write an explanatory note to DWP.DMCE@state.or.us asking them to change the type of sample from Sept 5, called Redwood Well to Triggered,3) issue attached Public Notice and send a copy back to me at 503-566-29864) The Redwood Tank distribution system does need a nitrate before the end of the year also. When these items are complete your violation score will revert to ZERO (right now it is at 12), Im hoping this can be resolved before the end of the year. Thanks for your attention to this matter2/5/13 all the items required to complete have been addressed and the system has been RTC as of today ACTION NEEDED: continue to monitor as required

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 848
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