OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00406
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jeremy Lowe (541) 621-7930
Contact Date: 09/22/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Complaint received regarding water quality and staffing at Sunshine Village. DETAILS: 9-22-14 --- Kathleen XXXXX called and complained about water quality and staffing at Sunshine Village: (1) chlorine level appears to be fluctuating (2) water is turbid (3) water smells (4) water tastes bad. Complainant is also concerned about a letter received from the water administration soliciting the assistance of volunteers. Her concern is whether or not volunteers are qualified and can be trusted with access to the water system. ------------- I spoke with Jeremy Lowe this afternoon and relayed the points of the complaint. Jeremys response is as follows: He measures chlorine levels twice weekly and he and Lyle Trimmer (longtime resident) perform almost all water system duties except for measuring water level in the reservoir which other longtime resident volunteers assist with. He says that chlorine levels are measured twice weekly and range from 0.3-0.5 ppm. A well pump failed this summer and was replaced: this may have accounted for a variation in water quality. He added that there is a new water board president and there are now six persons on the board of directors.-------------------I called Kathleen XXXXX back and relayed Jeremys response. Kathleen indicated she would call Jeremy personally to discuss. She added that she thinks that 645 Applegate Rd may have a private well and be connected to Sunshine Village water. I said that nothing in the Drinking Water Rules prohibits private well usage in a subdivision but that there can not be a cross connection between the two: Kathleen informed me she would bring this up with Jeremy for follow up. ACTION NEEDED: none

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