OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05346
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Joe Anthony (541) 446-3079
Contact Date: 12/19/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Routine Sample taken 12/17/2014 positive for fecal coliform DETAILS: Talked to Joe Anthony and Debra Reimers (left a message for Austin Wieneoke, President) about the fecal coliform in the routine sample taken 12/17/2014 from Space #53 hose/bib. Joe Anthony has arranged for Analytical Lab in Eugene to do the 4 repeat and 1 source samples ASAP. Debra is printing a notice advising residents to Boil Water until further notice. This will be hand delivered to all houses and residents. Continuing heavy rains predicted this weekend put the system at risk for fecal coliform bacteria. More residents may be coming down to inspect their houses especially this weekend when there will be high tides. Sent this contact report to Austins email: villagegreenarborists@gmail.com ACTION NEEDED: Analytical Lab will take repeat samples from:1) Space #53 hose/bib (original sample location positive for fecal coliform)2) Within 5 connections upstream,3) Within 5 connections downstream,4) Another location in the distribution system, and5) Spring SourceIf samples are positive, the problem will be located and corrected. Then the system will be disinfected.Finally, 5 Temporary Routine Samples will be taken in January - the month following the original Routine Positive 12/17/2014. this will assure there is no coliform bacteria in the drinking water.Debby rheimers 541 528 3701
Associated Alerts: COLI13749 - 12/19/2014 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

COLI13749 - 12/19/2014 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

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