OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01172
Who Was Contacted: Robert Trotter (Hiland Water)
Contact Phone: 971-832-9148
Contact Date: 03/04/2021
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Assistance Type: OTHER WATER QUALITY - Chlorine level of 5.9 mg/L response
Reasons: Chlorine
Details: Robert Trotter returned my call I gave Hiland Water regarding Western Hills MH Estates' recent chlorine residual test result of 5.90 mg/L on February 23.
He says he assists with operations of the Western Hills water system.
Robert says the reason that chlorine residual was that high was because a chlorine pump was added to the system but at an improper size; a 1.5 gph chlorine pump, which resulted in the higher chlorine residual.
Robert says the pump was set high to ensure good residual initially, and the sample was also pulled right at the beginning of distribution as well, which showed a higher result than one would have at the end of distribution which would have allowed for the chlorine to be more diluted by that point.
Robert says he has changed the chlorine pump out to a .5 gallons per hour pump instead, and has turned down the chlorine output as well. He said another recent sample may read as 3.4 mg/L but that he has since been working on lowering the output of chlorine to about 1 or 2 mg/L. I mentioned that around 0.2 mg/L may be the ideal chlorine level in this situation.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3566
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