OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94573
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Florence Fenton
Contact Date: 01/15/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Total coliform DETAILS: bacteria in the 1/12/15 sample. The purpose of the sample you took that showed coliform bacteria is to assess the safety of the well and any need for treatment. An assessment sample can help show that no disinfection is needed or Disinfection is needed or More disinfection is needed. Your sample results showed a need for disinfection, because you already chlorinate, you don’t need to fix your sample results. I will give you suggestions. Keep the chlorine strength where it comes out of the Halfway faucet around 4 ppm. Don’t let it get below 1 ppm.Test the chlorine strength coming from the faucet several times a week, even daily.Make sure you use a DPD type chlorine test kit. Make sure the color coded plastic tube being used is from the same company as the DPD chemical being used. Always use the same kind and brand of chlorine product. Always use the same recipe for mixing chlorine and water. Mix it in a bucket and then pour the bucket into the tub that chlorine is pumped from into the pipe. Pour the mix from the bucket into the tub.When the chlorine is too strong or too weak adjust the chlorinator pump. Try not to adjust the chlorinator pump more than every other day when Halfway is open. If you are patient you will eventually get consistent chlorine strength around 4 ppm and a need to change the pump adjustment will be rare. Make notes on a calendar of what you try for recipe, what the chlorinator pump is set on and what the chlorine strength measures. It will make it easier to remember. It will take some weeks to get the chlorine around 4 ppm. After that I will suggest changing where the chlorine goes into the piping so the chlorine will go into your tank. Doing this will help keep stuff from growing the tank. I don’t show any pumps but this diagram may help: ACTION NEEDED: call with any questions

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