OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00055
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Hatcher (503) 325-3524
Contact Date: 06/16/2014
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Disinfection Byproducts
Details: SUMMARY: OEL Exceedance for HAA5 - 2Q2014 DETAILS: With the May 7, 2014 disinfection byproducts sampling results, the Operational Evaluation Level (OEL) for HAA5 was exceeded for Astoria with an OEL for HAA5 of 0.061 mg/l for the 1st and D sample location. The Locational Running Annual Average for HAA5 at that location was 0.043 mg/l. In response to the OEL exceedance, Astoria submitted an Operational Evaluation to our office, received on July 17, 2014. The OEL report was approved in a letter dated 7/30/14. Future steps to reduce DBP formation that were identified in the Operational Evaluation include the following: 1. Increasing automatic flusher timers in areas with high HAA5’s-- 2. Evaluting use of existing sources that changes with seasonal changes in raw water quality-- 3. Evaluating development of a new source of supply (Spur 14) such that water can be supplied by Spur 14 to the slow sand plant-- and 4. The City will also continue to work with CH2M Hill on developing strategies to lower DBP formation in the distribution system. ACTION NEEDED: City to continue to evaluate solutions to mitigate elevated HAA5 levels.
Associated Alerts: CHEM6291 - 05/19/2014 - TOTAL HALOACETIC ACIDS (HAA5)


More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3873
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