OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01046
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dale Strom & Karen Lamar# (503) 556-4290
Contact Date: 01/13/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Boil water- Repeat coliform positive following ecoli DETAILS: 1-13-15- James Nusrala, PE from DWS contacted me to let me know that one of the follow up samples came back total coliform positive. This combined with the initial e-coli positive sample puts the system onto a boil. I immediately called Karen Lamar as Dale had notified me that he would be out of town. She was not aware that the sample was total coliform positive. She said that she had the boil notice & FAQ forms ready to go just in case so they would hand deliver the notices to the residents. I provided her the contact information to the circuit riders for technical information on how to disinfect the system. Both source samples were absent for coliform. The coliform detect was in the distribution system. I also pointed her toward the website for directions on disinfection. She said that she would call the circuit rider for information. Once the disinfection is done the system would need to take samples after the chorine was flushed to be sure that the disinfection was effective. She said the she would take samples after the disinfection & let me know the results. I let her know she could lift the boil after the samples come back clean. She also said that she would send a copy of the public notice to the office. I let her know that I would pass it along to DWS. ACTION NEEDED: Obtain copy of public notice & forward to DWS

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3525
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