OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01501
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Amanda (541) 269-1971
Contact Date: 04/16/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: coliform present in 4/8/15 routine sample DETAILS: Amanda called responding to a message I left by phone some time ago. the email text below confirmed the phone conversation: With the presence of total coliform bacteria showing in a month ROUTINE sample follow up includes: ASAP collect a SOURCE sample from each well that may have contributed water to the system from the sample event. The SOURCE sample(s) should be collected as close to the well head as possible and before the water is mixed with water from another source, before water goes into any tank, before water gets any kind of treatment.ASAP collect 4 REPEAT samples from the following places: the same place the 4/8 sample was taken, within 2 residential connections following the pipes going toward the chlorinator, within 2 residential connections going away from the chlorinator and a residence far away from where the 4/8 sample was taken.In the month of April collect 5 TEMPORARY ROUTINE SAMPLE at homes spread around the subdivision.FYI: If either REPEAT samples or TEMPORARY ROUTINE samples show presence of coliform bacteria again, public notice is required, in which residents are told in writing to be wary. There are certain things they must be told and I would give you (or Rex) that info or direct you to it on the www.Also its best to get REPEAT samples immediately, because if there is something unsafe with the water you want to make sure it gets fixed before someone gets hurt. REQUEST: please send me the physical address of the residence furthest away from the chlorinator. Some day this site will be used to get DBP samples and it is helpful to the state to have the address in advance. ACTION NEEDED: source samples (maybe 2 wells?) 4 repeat samples 5 temporary routine samplesprovide address for DBP sample site.
Associated Alerts: COLI14070 - 04/14/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4894
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