OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00433
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Anne Wenner
Contact Date: 09/16/2014
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Cove Point Corpoartion has had a recent problem with positive total and fecal coliform samples over the past two months. DETAILS: I met with corporation treasurer Anne Wenner. We discusses the microbiological sample results of the past two months and actions that have been taken ant those that need to be taken. Chorine residual samples were taken at three residences all had no free chlorine residual. Boil water notices were given to Anne to distribute. she distributed three at that time and will complete thee distribution this afternoon. I talked with her about the concern of a contaminated well and that the distribution of the Boil Water Notice was the first action to take-- secondly to assure a minimum free chlorine residual of 1.0 ppm. included in monitoring the chlorine residual is completing the daily monitoring sheet and sending the results to the state dwp monthly. We also discussed nest actions to take including possible well construction changes, the possibility of drilling a new well and short term measures of keeping the chlorine residual at 1.0 ppm or higher. Additionally, I told Anne that information on the pump including make, size and output would help in determining disinfection contact time. Also information on pipe size and material-- piping arrangement in the subdivision, and the population served by the system would help. ACTION NEEDED: 1. Distribute Boil Water Notice2. establish and maintain a minimum chlorine residual in all parts of the distribution system.3. Obtain and use a DPD test kit to measure and record the chlorine residual.4. Obtain and send to me the requested information on the well, pump, pipe size, population served.

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