OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91611
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kevin Cameron (503) 359-0640
Contact Date: 08/07/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Water quality issue - use of surface water DETAILS: I called Kevin after the Dept. of Agriculgure indicated that the store had begun using Gales Creek for domestic purposes. Kevin indicated that the creek had been used over the past couple of weeks to supplement the low flows from the spring, but that the creek had not been used in the past 4 days. Kevin had installed a reverse osmosis unit (which is not approved for surface water) borrowed from his house to treat the combined spring/creek water along with the current chlorination system, when he began using creek water. After consulting with DWP staff, I determined that a boil water notice at this time would not be justified given that the unfiltered surface water has likely been flushed out using demand estimates (420 gpday) and the # of days since creek usage (4), being greater than the max. storage in the tank (900 gallons). ACTION NEEDED: Kevin to 1.) cease using the creek, 2.) will chlorinate and flush the water system, 3.) collect his 3rd quarter coliform bacteria sample next week and submit results to DWS, and 4.) submit his July chlorine residual monthly report to DWS ASAP. DWS to support the Department of Agriculture to attempt to return the system to compliance and address the water quality issues associated with the spring source.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2184
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