OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06015
Who Was Contacted: Kihan Yun
Contact Phone: 541-535-1322 (Email address hidden)
Contact Date: 03/22/2021
Contact Method/Location: Phone
Survey: 07/14/2020
Details: Today phone contact was made with the operator. Several attempts had been made prior but the store has been closed do to last year's local fires and no contact had been made. This was to follow up on a survey deficiency regarding an improperly abandoned well that is located within the hazard distance of 60 ft from the well that is currently in use. The conversation did not go well as the operator expressed that he felt he was being accused of not doing his job as he has owned the facility for many years, has had previous surveys and not been told about the well before. The operator is irate about having to properly abandon SRC-AA and feels he is being singled out now.

An additional phone call was made to the operator. The operator explained that he and a local plumber had removed the pump house, removed the pump, filled in the well with soil, and capped the end of the pipes that lead from the well. The owner agreed to have a local pump company take a look at the well and determine whether or not it has been properly abandoned and provide documentation.

Today phone contact was made with the pump company. The pump company explained that just some piping was found and no wellhead was located. The pump company said there was just soil and brush located there. It was discussed that there is two well logs for this location and documented SRC-AA but no documentation of SRC-AA being properly abandoned. The pump company agreed to go back out to the facility today to see if they could locate the wellhead for SRC-AA.

JACK14834 well log associated with SRC-AA was used by Shawn Stevenson of Drinking Water Services to determine that SRC-AA does meet construction standards and therefore is not improperly abandoned. Phone contact was made with the operator and it was explained that no further action is needed on SRC-AA at this time.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4466
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