OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05910
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Amanda Stine (928) 274-0120
Contact Date: 08/03/2015
Contacted By: HALL, FRANK (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Water Quality ALERT: COLI14608 COQUILLE R. RV PARK DETAILS: left phone message for Ms. Stine to call me back re: sample result showing presence of total coliform and then sent email with following text: The sample referred to below is classified as a ROUTINE sample. Follow-up to a ROUTINE sample showing coliform present includes:1. ASAP taking 3 REPEAT samples (at least one from the same tap as the bad result) and 1 SOURCE sample (taken from the wellhead).2. Remedy to the source of contamination and keep a public notice posted.3. In addition to those above, sometime before in the month of September collect 5 TEMPORARY ROUTINE samples. You should now have the attached public notice document tailored with your info and posted. Ideally you want to provide the remedy before collecting the TEMPORARY ROUTINES or you end up at step 1 again taking more samples. If you have already recently disinfected the well as I suggested previously and still received this result showing coliform, it likely means either (1) the well’s aquifer has a chronic source of contamination (that makes a permanent disinfection system logical) or (2) a minor break has occurred in a line where contamination has entered (which you’d want to find and fix). After you’ve taken your REPEAT (confirmation) samples, You can certainly add enough chlorine to shock disinfect the well and lines, then purge the lines of the heavy chlorine dose and then sample again? If those sample show coliform present again you may want to think about disinfection via chlorine, UV or ozone. To add disinfection the state requires you to go through a plan review process. See: http://public.health.oregon.gov/HealthyEnvironments/DrinkingWater/PlanReview/Pages/index.aspx ACTION NEEDED: 3 repeats, 1 source, maintain public notice, remedy if needed, 5 temporary routines
Associated Alerts: COLI14608 - 09/02/2015 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2944
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