OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92634
Who Was Contacted and Phone: DENICE HILKEY
Contact Date: 10/06/2015
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN: HRC Accepts Proposed Plan DETAILS: Hood River County Health Department received a proposed ‘Corrective Action Plan’ from Denise Hilkey (USFS Ranger) regarding the significant deficiencies listed on the 2015 WSS. HRC-HD accepted their proposed C.A.P.HRC-HD sent an e-mail that said:“Ms. Hilkey,Thank you for submitting your corrective action plan to our office regarding ‘USFS CLOUD CAP/COOPER SPUR’ public water system (#OR-4192634). Your plan has been approved. Please let us know when the work has been completed. We would also appreciate either pictures or an opportunity to inspect the finished work.Also, we wish to take this opportunity to remind ‘USFS CLOUD CAP/COOPER SPUR’ public water system that new guidance for water system seasonal start-up procedures will have been adopted by the time ‘USFS CLOUD CAP/COOPER SPUR’ public water system re-opens in 2016. Prior to re-opening the water system (next year), please contact our office for a technical consultation and a rule update. Thank you in advance…" ACTION NEEDED: Resolve all outstanding significant deficiencies according to the submitted corrective action plan (by 10/13/15).

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