OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05299
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Gilbert Meigs (503) 221-7235
Contact Date: 02/15/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Routine E. Coli Positive for Sample Date 2/10/16 DETAILS: Alert ID: coli15272Received following email on 2-12-16 from Even Hofeld: This system had an e-coli routine sample taken 2/10/16 at pump house hose bib. I tried to call Gilbert Meigs at 503-688-6830 to let him know. He said that the Association president had already notified people to boil their water, but did not know what the notice would have said (Mr. Meigs was at home in Portland and the place is at Govn’t Camp). He said they have a UV unit (SDWIS shows no such treatment) and they usually get clean results, but he didn’t think the unit was working – sounds like they need 4-log viral. I explained to him that he would have to take 5 triggered source samples and 4 repeat samples since this sample effectively represents partially treated water and is marked routine (i.e. distribution samples). I told him they should remain on boil notice all weekend. Their intent is to get the UV working and flush the system and re-sample sometime, but did not have plans to sample – he said that is what they pay Pyxis for. I gave him our phone duty after hours number of 971-246-1789 if he had any questions over the weekend. It sounds to me like this system needs some help with getting public notice templates and sampling plan as well as engineering review for the UV, which is likely masking a serious public health threat. ACTION NEEDED: Monitor follow ups & contact operator when results come back.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 286
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