OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05299
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Rebecca Haas
Contact Date: 02/17/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: 5/5 Confirmation E. Coli Positive for Sample Date 2/15/16 DETAILS: Alert ID: coli15272Spoke with the Improvement Assn.s president about the 5 confirmation E. coli positive samples. The system is already on a boil water as of 2/12. We discussed UV not being an approved disinfection method We discussed the ground water rule options. I let her know that either a source/route of contamination needs to be found and removed. 4 log disinfection could be installed but would need plan review approval. The other option would be to utilize a new source. The system has a well as an emergency source. Rebecca indicated that the well has not been used for a long time but they would find out if the well could be used as an interim source until repairs could be made to the spring.Rebecca indicated that everyone has been told but didn’t have the written boil notice. I emailed her the boil water public notice template & FAQ for a boil water. I asked her to send me a copy of the completed notice.Rebecca let me know that she would contact me soon to follow up with what progress is being made with either spring repairs or reactivating the well. ACTION NEEDED: Obtain copy of completed notice. Continue working with operator to resolve boil water.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 286
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