OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00385
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave Smock (541) 386-2383
Contact Date: 05/03/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Update to lead and copper sampling schedule DETAILS: Dave and I discussed the list of 40 lead and copper sampling sites that the City has identified, with half, or 20 sites, served by lead goosenecks. City has determined that where there are lead jointed pipes or mains there are lead goosenecks. City will conduct the standard two 6-month rounds of 40 samples, beginning with the January through June 2016 period through the July through December 2016 period, as original standard monitoring did not have half of the sample sites served by goosenecks. DWS will review the results of the two 6-month rounds and determine future sampling requirements for lead and copper. ACTION NEEDED: City to complete two 6-month rounds of 40 lead and copper samples in 2016. City to complete EPA forms 141-A for the change in sample sites and summarizing the material used to identify new sites and return to DWS for review. DWS will work with the City to help prepare a plan to remove a certain amount of lead-jointed pipe each year, until all goosecks are removed. City will report annually on progress of removal and DWS will track the plan.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3737
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