OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00898
Who Was Contacted and Phone: CHRIS HEIDT (503) 359-4693
Contact Date: 02/10/2016
Contacted By: HENRY, ROBERT (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Membrane Replacement DETAILS: The Timber Water Association owns and operates a surface water system that provides water to approximately 180 persons, through 65 connections. The water source for the Water System (WS) is the Nehalem River. Water is treated by a Westech membrane treatment system. The existing WesTech membrane system was constructed in 2010. WesTech utilizes different manufacturer’s membranes as part of their package membrane systems. Polymem Membranes are being used as part of the current system at Timber WTP. The Polymem membranes are approaching the end of their design life. The water treatment plant is having issues with Pressure Decay Testing, although this reportedly is due to valve failures rather than membrane issues. However, the membranes have a significantly reduced flow rate. The Timber WA believes that the significant flow reduction indicates that the membranes are in need of replacement. They had contacted WesTech for preliminary cost information. The water system contacted the Circuit Rider to provide assistance working with WesTech to determine if the provided costs are appropriate and to determine the level of retrofit needed to fit INGE membranes. HBH contacted WesTech and received costing and application data for replacement membranes. Completed memo regarding membrane replacement. Provided follow-up with water system and WesTech regarding membrane pricing. ACTION NEEDED: Provide more membrane replacement assistance as needed.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3996
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