OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92634
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Janeen Tervo
Contact Date: 11/28/2016
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Def-Follow-Up - Response to Letter DETAILS: We received a letter from the operator detailing repairs made to the spring box. The letter reported that the hatch lid had been made ‘water-tight’ as per rule. Pictures verified that the lock-latch had been removed and adequately patched. The pictures also showed that the corners of the hatch lid were altered-- however, we were unable to verify that the alterations made the corners of the hatch lid ‘water-tight’.We sent a letter that said:“…Since we cannot review the work performed in person until the winter snows have melted (by mid-2017), Hood River County Health Department must schedule an inspection next summer. We are obligated to ensure that all significant deficiencies from the 2015 survey are resolved. We are available July 5th, 2017, to inspect the completed work-- by then, the snow should have melted.Alternatively, you may submit additional photographic evidence that the hatch lid is ‘water-tight’ as required by rule. You may also propose an alternative date for the site visit. Either way, the next water system survey will occur in calendar-year 2020 and we will have another opportunity to review the work on that date…” ACTION NEEDED: Provide evidence that the hatch lid is water tight.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1214
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