OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 92040
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jennifer Johnson
Contact Date: 01/18/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Enforcement Letter from DWP 1/4/2017 Regarding Lead and Copper Exceedance DETAILS: Talked to Jennifer 1/12/2017 and emailed 1/18/2017. Hi JenniferFollowing the Lead Action Level Exceedance on October 26, 2016, Eddyville Charter School is now under an Enforcement Schedule. Please see the Drinking Water Program enforcement letter dated January 4, 2016 attached below.The Enforcement Schedule refers to required sampling and reporting. I tried to make the schedule simpler and easier to understand. Please see Simplified Enforcement Schedule 2017 attached below.The first things that need to happen "as soon as possible" are:1. Be prepared to measure pH and temperature.The temperature and pH must be taken when the samples are taken. The pH meter is required to be approved by the EPA for drinking water and temperature compensating. For example a Hach pocket pro meter (that measures pH and temperature) would be acceptable-- see link:http://www.hach.com/pocket-pro-ph-tester/product?id=17990686202&source=googleshopping&locale=en-US&gclid=CLfSk9nazNECFYFYfgodAP4O0g2. Measure and record on "Water Quality Parameter Monitoring Forms"(attached):Water Quality Parameters (WQP) at entry point and in distribution system and Lead and Copper at entry pointLink to directions for the WQP Monitoring Forms:http://public.health.oregon.gov/HealthyEnvironments/DrinkingWater/Monitoring/Documents/LCR_Instructions.pdfThese 2 steps will get a long ways to compliance.Feel free to contact me anytime.Can come out there if you would like. ACTION NEEDED: None.

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