OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94408
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Daniel Mark
Contact Date: 03/24/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Confirmed E. coli/Boil Water Advisory DETAILS: Dan called on 3/23 and said he submitted 2 repeat samples (one from a home and one from the well house tap). I remided him he should submit 2 more distribution samples. He also said that the neighbors mobile home was discovered to have a leaking sewer pipe underneath the bathroom. He said he could smell it and was able to observe a small puddle of sewage under the home on the ground (about 30 feet from the well). He said the water connection the home has since been turned off. 3/24 The well house sample has total coliform detections, the other sample was good. I contacted Dan to inform him of the boil water advisory requirement and sent him the tier 1 PN template via email. He is going to work with the mobile home owner to make sure the plumbing leak gets repaired and sewage cleaned up. He said he was getting some resistance/push back from the property owner. I will refer the incident to Marion County Code Enforcement and try to schedule a co-visit onsite next week if there still is sewage on the ground. Dan is going to shock chlorinate and flush the well this weekend. The well is in a pit with no slab or protective covering so it is at risk of contaminated water collecting around the casing. I informed Dan, in order to lift the boil water advisory, the sewage leak must be repaired and area cleaned up, then he would need a clean well sample along with (at least) 2 distribution samples. ACTION NEEDED: Contact Code Enforcement and follow up with sewage cleanup onsite. Follow up on boil water public notice and additional monitoring results.
Associated Alerts: COLI16629 - 03/27/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1749
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