OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01453
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Becky Hodge (541) 383-2863
Contact Date: 09/18/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Complaint Follow Up DETAILS: Received anonymous complaint early Thursday monrning 9/14 that their house on the Long Butte Water System had been out of water that morning. They had called the emergency phone number for the system twice to report the outage and water service was already restored. They noted that water outages like these happen often. In response, I emailed owner Becky Hodge the Loss of Pressure BMP as well as the Boil Water Template for loss of pressure. I explained that technically a boil water should be distributed to affected connections until water samples show absent for coliforms.Mrs. Hodge called me 9/18 am to explain they were not out of water, but just had a circuit or similar blow which caused the pumps to stop for approx 20 minutes which only affected water pressure to the homes in the higher elevation areas of the system. I explained the rule and the intent that contaminants can get into the system when water pressure is lost or absent. It is unclear to me if adequate pressue was maintained at the service connection/meter or if loss of pressure at the home(s) was due to the elevation difference between the house and the connection. She said they found the cause of the electrical problem to be a "melted wire" and they would get it fixed today requiring them to have the pumps off line for approx 2 hrs. I referred her again to the BMP. ACTION NEEDED: Follow loss of pressure best management practices and public notification requirements for any loss of pressure event.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3859
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