OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94805
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Todd Sickles (541) 536-1303
Contact Date: 09/26/2017
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Repeat TC+ Alert Follow Up DETAILS: 3 qrtly routine samples collected by lab 9/21, 2 in dist. and 1 source sample from NEW WELL, were TC+. Last set of samples from 8/1 were also TC+. This triggered a Level 2 triggered coliform investigation.Site visit 9/26. A new well was installed this spring, don’t think it went through plan review til after it was drilled. Well tag #L125875. New well is about 100 from old well, has pitless adaptor with proper screen, is connected to old ‘infrastructure’ of cistern, pressure tank and dist. No positives for coliform til new well went on line which is only change to system.Around the well is animal feces - elk, raccoon, with many squirrels and rabbits in area. Is it possible that during well drilling or sealing that some fecal matter was incorporated into the seal? I asked Michelle Byrd to pull up the well log and see if the system was sealed to correct specs? Per her email response, the well seal was shown correct on submitted well log.Pulled lid off cistern, and other than an iron smell, there was no floating debris or dead critters visible. Only new work on the cistern is piping from new well. No reported leaks found in piping, cistern or dist. system. Pressure at 44 psi, but this is not monitored very closely. No flooding or fire event pulled a lot of water out of system all at once.Can we tell from lab report how positive the TC + was - were there a couple colonies or a lot?Asked operator to hyper chlorinate new well and new piping to the cistern. Plan to apply at least 10 ppm free chlorine to well. They will complete this, get the chlorinated water through new piping to cistern, then shut off the well, then flush and retest. They can ‘live’ off the cistern for a couple days. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for 2 verification sample results to dictate future action. Discussed installing residual chlorine or UV lamp.
Associated Alerts: COLI17214 - 09/25/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI17214 - 09/25/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI17214 - 09/25/2017 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2860
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