OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00127
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ken hathorn (541) 822-3596
Contact Date: 09/11/2017
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Chlorine
Details: SUMMARY: Reviewed How to Fill Out the Monthly Reports and Accurately Read the Color Wheel DETAILS: I called and talked to Ken and Michelle about the reporting issue on the monthly groundwater monitoring reports they are sending in. Ken stated he is taking the chlorine residual readings with a color wheel and writing them down but someone told him he was putting the decimal place in the wrong location so he moved it over one space. When it was reported to the state, it was moved over to the left showing the color wheel reading as 0.03 ppm instead of 0.3 ppm. Not sure who was telling Ken to move the decimal place. We went over the minimum requirements and what that looks like on the color wheel. Ken agreed that he was writing it down incorrectly than what the color wheel was actually saying. Ken and Michelle will amend the report with the decimal in the right place and resend it to DMCE. I emailed Chuck to let him know and he will return the violations to correction upon receipt of the amended report. ACTION NEEDED: Amend report to reflect correct location of the decimal place as read on the color wheel. Ensure all other reports are written correctly.

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