OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00029 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Dave Kuntz (541) 926-0700 | ||
Contact Date: | 10/10/2017 | ||
Contacted By: | CIVIL WEST ENGINEERS, INC (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | CIRCUIT RIDER ASSISTANCE | ||
Reasons: | N/A N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Water Quality Issues DETAILS: Dan Vaage visited the site on 10/26/2017 to meet with Dave Kuntz, to assess the system, and find a possible solution. The system employs a Stenner 85MHP17 with a #5 tube injecting soda ash for corrosion control. Dave mixes the soda ash at 3 lbs. per 5 gallons in a 55-gallon drum. The Stenner turns on and off with the well pump and was turned up to 10. The operator has noted a history of clogging at the soda ash injection point (a tee where water coming from the well makes a 90 to go into the 200-gallon pressure tank). A pH reading was taken at first user and read 7.1. Dan returned on 11/01/2017 to test both the raw and finished water. The raw water was reading a pH of 6.8, TDS of 164 and temperature of 64.4F. The finished water read a pH of 6.9, TDS of 181 at a temperature of 62.2F.The clogging of the injection point should be addressed, either by moving the injection point or by starting a cleaning schedule or both. The Stenner pump should have a new tube installed and it should be verified that there is no possible backflow through the check valve and pump. It is also recommended that the system bump up the soda-ash mix to one pound per gallon. If the pump is verified to be dispensing an adequate amount of soda ash and this is not eliminating the lead problem, the Periwinkle MHP should look into connecting to the City of Albany’s water distribution system for water service. ACTION NEEDED: None. |